ForeFlight 12.6
Now Available!
This release includes weather in Profile view, overheat alerts, additional Internet Traffic details, and more.
Visit our video library for additional support and information.

Weather in Profile View
Enhance your route planning with a cross-sectional view of internet icing and turbulence forecasts displayed in Profile View. Profile View uses the same color scales as the overhead map to depict varying intensities for each layer at multiple altitudes in relation to your route line. ForeFlight uses your planned departure and enroute times to display weather over multiple forecast periods during which your flight will be active, providing a more accurate picture of changing conditions throughout your flight. Weather in Profile View is included in ForeFlight’s Performance plans.
Watch the video

Overheat Alerts
ForeFlight warns you if your iPad or iPhone is in danger of overheating with a prominent visual and audible alert, allowing you to take steps to cool the device and potentially avert a shutdown during a flight. The alert is triggered when ForeFlight detects that your device is dangerously hot and at risk of overheating and shutting down.
Additional Internet Traffic Details
When viewing Internet Traffic, tap on any aircraft marker to view a popup with information about it, including tail number or call sign, altitude, speed, aircraft type, and more. The popups for most aircraft on IFR flight plans also show the departure and destination airports and filed ETA, while many aircraft on VFR flights provide the departure airport.

High Resolution Basemap Improvements
ForeFlight’s High Resolution Basemap identifies mountain peaks using a small triangle icons in place of the previous dot icon, and displays many additional U.S. mountain passes with associated elevations. Enable the High Resolution Basemap in More > Downloads > Download Settings.
Y/Z Filing in Canada
Pilots flying in Canada can now file flight plans under Y or Z flight rules through ForeFlight. Certain fields in the flight plan form that are required for Canadian VFR flights are also required for Y and Z flights, including Undercarriage, ELT, Arrival Report, and more.