ForeFlight 12.4
Now Available!
This release includes live global Internet Traffic via FlightAware, major design enhancements on iPhone and Multitasking support on iPad, and more!
Visit our video library for additional support and information.

Internet Traffic via FlightAware
In partnership with FlightAware, stream live global aircraft traffic directly in ForeFlight to analyze airport activity, check on an active flight, and more. ForeFlight displays both airborne and ground traffic received via the internet just like it does ADS-B traffic, with altitude and tail number available at a glance, and many other details available with a tap for most traffic targets.
Internet Traffic is available in all ForeFlight subscription plans.
Watch the video
Major Design Enhancements & Multitasking
It's finally here! ForeFlight 12.4 includes support for Multitasking on iPad, plus substantial design improvements on both iPad and iPhone to establish a fully unified and consistent interface across all devices. The result is a more efficient layout, a re-imagined compact More menu, support for re-arranging the Tab order, fullscreen layouts for pages like Checklist and Logbook, and the iPad’s FPL "Bubble Editor" now available on iPhone, along with many other iPad-only features.
Watch ForeFlight's Lead Product Designer, Ryan McBride, walk through many of these changes and how to use Multitasking on iPad.
Watch the video

More Menu & Tab Bar Changes
ForeFlight's tab organization and More menu received some of the biggest upgrades in this release, becoming more accessible, more customizable, and quicker to access.
More is now a compact menu that slides in from the right, allowing you to quickly access Downloads, Settings, and other views without leaving the page you're on.
Customize ForeFlight's organization by re-ordering the tab bar to better suite how you use the app.
The tab just to the left of More always reflects the last page you selected in More, making it easy to jump back and forth between it and your main tabs.
iPhone Upgrades
ForeFlight on the iPhone is now nearly identical to the iPad version in features and ease of use, making it more capable than ever before in a supporting role or even as a standalone flight app.
Flight planning on the iPhone is a breeze thanks to its new Bubble Editor, complete with previously iPad-only features like Altitude Advisor, Procedure Advisor, and quick-access buttons for aircraft, performance profile, and ETD changes.
Improve your preflight organization with Plate Binders and access familiar Scratchpad templates like CRAFT and ATIS right from your phone with the addition of these previously iPad-only views.

Show/Hide Aeronautical Map Quick Filters
Free up more space on the map by hiding the Aeronautical Map quick filter buttons. The new setting switch in the Map Settings menu lets you show or hide all six quick filter buttons without changing their states, giving you additional precious map space on small devices or helping to prevent accidental taps if you rarely use the quick filters. Aeronautical Map settings are still accessible within the Map Settings menu when the quick filters are hidden.
NOTE: This setting and the Map Quick Filters are not available on the original iPhone SE due to space constraints.

Aircraft Type Restrictions in Procedure Advisor
Procedure Advisor now displays aircraft type restrictions for SIDs and STARs so you can quickly identify suitable procedures for your aircraft. Colored tags for Piston, Turboprop, and Jet aircraft appear beneath procedures that are restricted to the aircraft types shown. These type restriction tags are also shown in the Procedures tab on the Airports view.