ForeFlight 15.3
Now Available!
ForeFlight 15.3 includes added support for VFR Waypoints, Airports without Codes, Ownship Colors, and more.

VFR Waypoints
You can now view, plan, and file with VFR Checkpoints and Visual Reporting Points on the Aeronautical Map layer in Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. VFR waypoints also use the same identifier in your route as on the map and are directly tappable.
VFR Aeronautical Details Toggle
Easily declutter the Aeronautical Map by hiding VFR data with a new toggle in Map Settings. This toggle will disable Visual Reporting Points, HIRTA, Low Points, Bird refuge areas, Model Flights, VFR Routes, VFR & IFR flight corridors, Entry and exits into airports, traffic circuits, no overfly, and nature areas.

Airports Without Codes
Plan and file flights to and from small airfields that lack an official ICAO or IATA code designation just as you would with larger airports. Tap these airports to view additional details and add them to your flight plan.
Ownship Colors
Improve the visibility of your ownship marker, or fly a bird of a different color with Ownship Colors. Set both the color and shape of your ownship in More > Settings > Ownship Marker.

Expanded Runway Analysis Support
ForeFlight’s Runway Analysis product now supports:
- 525 Citation CJ1
- 525 Citation CJ1 with Tamarack winglets
- 525 CitationJet
- 525 CitationJet with Tamarack winglets
Runway Analysis is available for a growing list of aircraft as an add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Runway Analysis for Individuals
Runway Analysis for Business