ForeFlight 12.11
Now Available!
This release includes Daily/Hourly Forecasts, Parachute Jump Areas on the Aeronautical Map, tappable Airport Hotspot details, and more.
Visit our video library for additional support and information.

Daily/Hourly Forecasts
Stay on top of the weather today or next week with an all-purpose hourly forecast anywhere in the world. Access the globally-supported forecast for any airport in Airports > Weather > Daily, or any other airport popup such as on the Maps or Flights views, or by tap-holding anywhere on the map and tapping “Wx” in the top-right corner of the Add to Route window to see the forecast for that location. You can also quickly access the forecast for your current location by tap-holding the ForeFlight app icon from your home screen to find a “Local Forecast” shortcut, or by tapping the Nearest (reticle) button in the top-right corner of the Airports view and tapping “Local Wx”.
Daily/Hourly Forecasts are available with all ForeFlight subscription plans except for the discontinued Legacy Basic ($74.99) and Legacy Pro ($149.99) plans for individuals.
Watch the video

Parachute Jump Areas
View Parachute Jump Areas in the US directly on the Aeronautical Map and tap-hold on them to view additional information. Tap Details in the Add to Route popup to view a PJA’s information, including its name, associated airport or aerodrome, upper and lower altitude limits, active hours, and more.
Airport Hotspot Details
Tap on airport hotspots on the Aeronautical Map to view each one’s description so you can be better prepared for taxi. The hotspot popup includes each one’s name, airport, and a description of the hotspot with any remarks. If there are multiple overlapping hotspots where you tapped, a disambiguation popup allows you to choose which hotspot you want to view information for.

Recommended Route Constraint: Include Track
Guide ForeFlight’s Recommended Route while planning oceanic flights by requiring it to follow a particular oceanic track using the new “Include Track” Route Constraint. Switch between westward and eastward tracks using the toggle at the top of the window, and tap any track name from the North Atlantic Tracks or Pacific Organized Track System to select it.
The Recommended Route with Constraints is included in ForeFlight Performance plans.
Download and Pack Tweaks
Both the Download and Pack views have improved and consistent interfaces that display the combined size of pending and in-progress downloads. In Downloads, the Pause and Download buttons are now grouped together in the bottom-right corner, while the Delete button is accessible in the top-right corner.