ForeFlight 14.2
Now Available!
ForeFlight 14.2 includes Enhanced and Integrated Weight & Balance, Hazard Advisor Altitude Preview, and more.

Enhanced Weight & Balance
Create, edit, and plan with Weight & Balance profiles more easily with ForeFlight’s Enhanced W&B view. The updated W&B view has a similar layout to the older one, with fields for entering load information, the weight and CG graph, significant weight values, and detailed results. Migrate your legacy W&B profiles or easily set up new ones using our pre-built templates for hundreds of aircraft.
New features help streamline the flight planning process by allowing you to choose from Standard Weight options for Male, Female, or Child, or select from any Saved Loads that you added a description for.
Enable Enhanced Weight & Balance by visiting More > Account > ForeFlight Labs.
Weight & Balance Integrated with Flights
Additionally, ForeFlight Performance customers can now directly integrate W&B with their flight planning to simplify their preflight workflow and produce more accurate time and fuel calculations. The new integration makes it easy to respond to last-minute payload changes and access the load manifest PDF directly in the Flights view instead of switching back to the W&B tab.

Hazard Advisor Altitude Preview
Manually control Hazard Advisor’s altitude before and during a flight to evaluate routes through hazardous terrain and visualize your options at different altitudes. ForeFlight Military Flight Bag customers have access to additional settings such as defining custom hazard altitudes beyond the four default options. Hazard Advisor is available with Pro Plus subscriptions and above.
Organized Track Systems on Jeppesen Enroute Charts
Customers with Jeppesen chart coverages can now view and plan with North Atlantic, Pacific, and Australian organized tracks on Jeppesen’s IFR enroute charts. Easily filter them to only show eastward or westward tracks, and include them in your route by adding their constituent waypoints or using the “Include Track” option in Route Advisor’s Constraints menu. Toggle and filter Organized Tracks in Map Settings > Organized Tracks.
Organized Track Systems are available with ForeFlight Performance Plans.

Expanded Runway Analysis Support
ForeFlight’s advanced Runway and Obstacle Analysis capability for jets now supports Gulfstream G150 and Textron 525 Citation M2 with Tamarack Winglets. Runway Analysis is available for a growing list of aircraft types as an add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Runway Analysis for Individuals
Runway Analysis for Business