Flight Instructors
Prepare your students for a safe and successful future in aviation with ForeFlight's advanced integrated app technology.
ForeFlight is a Powerful Teaching & Learning Aid
ForeFlight maximizes situational awareness on the ground during planning and in the air, allowing you to focus more time on watching your students and giving them feedback and less time trying to keep track of everything.

Safety First
Effective flight training starts and ends with safety. ForeFlight enhances safety and situational awareness during all phases of planning and flying.

Teach for the Future
Students who learn with the same flight app used by professional and military pilots gain invaluable hands-on experience for their future career.

Link Classroom & Cockpit
Bridge the gap between ideas and practice by demonstrating concepts with ForeFlight features during preflight, in-flight, and post-flight.
Flight Instructors Video
In this presentation, Thomas Daugherty and Susan deCastro - both ForeFlight experts and CFIs - cover many of the features and capabilities a flight instructor can leverage to help their students learn to fly more efficiently and safely. Thomas and Susan provide real-world examples and tips to customize each student's training program.
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Key ForeFlight Features that Enhance Learning
ForeFlight doesn’t replace the fundamentals of learning how to flight plan and navigate - it reinforces them. ForeFlight optimizes the time you spend with your students by helping them more easily visualize the flight environment.

Navigating IFR Procedures
Learning how to select and navigate departures, arrivals, and approaches is made easier with Procedure Preview. Select and visualize Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs), Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs), and even VFR traffic pattern entries.

3D Airport
Help students visualize the takeoff or landing on any runway to more effectively and efficiently prepare for flights and approaches into any airport worldwide.

Better Weather Visualization
Graphical weather overlays on the map are an essential supplement to learning about aviation weather. Overlay a planned route with winds aloft, convective activity, TFRs, and more, and students will quickly build the skills to make better informed go/no-go decisions.

See Ahead in Profile View
Profile View brings a new dimension to studying a traditional chart and is the perfect tool for helping pilots visualize what their route will look like from the side in relation to terrain, obstacles, and airspace.
The Next Generation Logbook
ForeFlight Logbook streamlines the task of filling out logbooks, allowing you to focus on the flight lesson and then collaborate electronically during downtime to complete logbook entries. In the process, students learn to manage their logbook and you can effortlessly maintain your own required training record.

The Perfect Platform for Flight Instructors
Log and share flights with students, send remote endorsements, generate Logbook reports, remotely sign flight entries, and more. Keep a record of all endorsements given with your account and manage it from your device.
Clear & Concise Training Records
The flexibility of ForeFlight’s digital logbook allows you to keep a thorough and legible record of the ground, flight, or simulator training you give. Use the Crew & Passengers section to add Student information and the comments section to document specific training maneuvers.
Over 60 Built-In Endorsement Templates
A database of over sixty endorsement templates derived from FAA Advisory Circular 61-65H eliminates the need to type endorsement text, while still allowing the customizations necessary to complete an endorsement.
Logbook Instructor Tools
Logbook’s Instructor Tools section offers a place for you to manage your instructor information and issue remote endorsements to students. Save your signature for quick reuse and easily keep track of past endorsements in a chronological list.
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From the Classroom to the Cockpit
The place to learn is on the ground; the place to practice is in the air. ForeFlight's advanced inflight features bridge the gap between the study and implementation of aviation concepts, allowing your students to learn and fly with the same material.

The Integrated Map Engine
Refine your teaching lessons by showing and hiding different map features to focus on specific aeronautical data types like airports, airspace, airways, ARTCC boundaries, and more. Combine features like Glide Advisor and Distance Rings to teach better situational awareness during flight.
Checklists at your Fingertips
Never miss a step by creating custom checklists with ForeFlight's built-in templates. Group them together by aircraft, procedure, operation, or any other specific category of flight for increased personalization. Use Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency checklists to practice the steps required during different flight situations.

Practice Emergencies
As with other critical aircraft systems, preparing and practicing a plan to handle mobile equipment failures adds another layer of safety and awareness. Create "partial panel"-like scenarios during training like restricting access to certain app views, simulating the failure download charts, turning off the aircraft ownship, or turning off ADS-B receivers.
On the flip side, EFBs are helpful for getting through or out of certain emergencies. With increased situational awareness from a flight application, the pilot in command can focus on the problem at hand without the added stress of getting lost.
Powerful Debrief Tools
Debrief with your students using Tracklog Graph and 3D Review. Follow the path of planned or recorded flights with high-resolution terrain and aerial imagery. Show learning pilots exactly what they can expect when flying new routes or landing into unfamiliar airports. See an interactive Track Log graph that provides detailed metrics for the entire flight. Use altitude, speed, and AHRS pitch and bank data to analyze flight metrics with learning pilots.

Distribute Training Documents
Share documents with students and keep their files up to date with ForeFlight’s Cloud Documents feature. Students can download individual documents, folders, or entire drives and ForeFlight will automatically update them with new versions when you make them available. Download, annotate, and organize documents for optimal learning.
Flight Sharing
Share planned and filed flights with students for better collaboration when teaching and training. Receive flight plans to make teaching and the student learning experience effective and efficient. Flight Sharing allows for better communication and coordination, ensuring that every pilot is on the same page.

Simulator Connectivity
From desktop to full motion, ForeFlight is compatible with a variety of flight simulator systems. Practice and teach with the tools you use in flight and see your simulated instruments and GPS data in the ForeFlight Mobile app. Debrief from simulated flights with altitude, speed, pitch, and bank data all while connected to your flight simulator systems.
Best Practices for Modern Flight Training
Flight students seek out instructors who integrate new technologies into their curriculum. Stay ahead of the curve by establishing a method for how to incorporate electronic flight bags, apps, and other portable technology into ground and flight training.
Develop a Training Plan
Set clear expectations between you and your students by deciding up front when and where to insert EFBs into training. These decisions can depend on many factors like what your student will need or use in their future flying, the rules of your flight school, the student's training phase (eg: Instrument vs. Primary), and your overall assessment of the student's skill level.
By using a process of progressive integration, you can balance successful learning with not overwhelming or distracting your students with technology.

Preflight Mobile Devices
iPads, iPhones, flight apps, and portable ADS-B receivers like the Sentry should be part of the preflight regimen and routine, just like any other aircraft system. ForeFlight even has a built-in EFB Checklist to help organize this process.
Considerations include performing iOS software updates, app updates, chart and data downloads, charging devices ahead of time, and ensuring you have backup power sources and required accessories like yoke mounts and power cables. Backup sources for charts (either digital or non-digital) should be preflighted as well.

Stay Current
Lean on us when it comes to keeping current on what’s new with ForeFlight. We have a library of videos for you and your students, as well as extensive documentation in our Pilot Guides and online support. Keep up with our blog to get in-depth descriptions of new features so you can get the most out of ForeFlight.