Insurance Fair Price Tool Support
Learn about ForeFlight's Fair Price Tool for aircraft owner's insurance, currently available for all individual customers as a public beta feature on ForeFlight Web.
What Is the Fair Price Tool?
Our Fair Price Tool allows you to compare your aircraft owner's insurance premium against the average for pilots like you, helping you see if you’re getting a competitive rate. The tool relies on insurance data provided by you and other aircraft owners to generate accurate results - the more data provided, the more accurate the results.

Getting Started with the
Fair Price Tool
Visit and sign into your ForeFlight account if you’re not already.
Upload your owned aircraft's insurance policy document as instructed on the page.
After waiting for the upload to process (usually takes less than 30 seconds), you can start using the Fair Price Tool to see how your insurance premium compares to that of similar pilots.
Fair Price Tool FAQs
How did you come up with my fair price?
We collected data from similar pilots and developed an algorithm to measure the relationships between aircraft value, pilot flying history, and other factors to determine an average insurance premium for pilots like you. We’re continuing to improve the algorithm as more pilots use the Fair Price Tool and share their policies, so the results will become even more accurate with greater usage.
What type of document should I upload?
You can upload your policy or a binder. We can't accept certificates of insurance.
What information will you use from my policy?
We use the same information insurers typically use: aircraft type and value, hours logged, pilot age, and claims history among others. In order for the algorithm to be as accurate as possible, we need the same information furnished as part of your insurance application.
Are there any restrictions on where my aircraft is located?
Currently the Fair Price Tool only supports U.S.-registered aircraft.
Will you retain my insurance policy?
Yes, we will retain your policy to continue training our algorithms to improve document data extraction and pricing estimates. We will never share your data with any third parties.
Can I upload my renter's policy?
No. Currently the Fair Price Tool only supports aircraft owner policies.
Can I provide a liability-only policy?
We currently only accept policies that include liability and damage premiums (including both in-motion and not-in-motion coverage). We hope to support liability-only policies in the future.
What if I have other questions?
We're more than happy to address any questions or concerns you have by emailing