ForeFlight 11.9
Now Available!
This release includes a new High Resolution Basemap, multi-select map layers, custom Safety Distance Factors for Takeoff & Landing Performance, and more.
Visit our video library for additional support and information.

High Resolution Basemap
ForeFlight’s new High Resolution Basemap depicts ground features and cultural elements in much greater detail for improved inflight reference. Notable improvements include more major and minor roads and railroads, more detailed coastlines for rivers and lakes, and terrain peak markers with associated altitudes, all of which can be toggled on or off in the new Cultural Elements menu. ForeFlight will automatically download the High Resolution Basemap for your region when you update, but you can also download the basemap for anywhere else on Earth in More > Downloads.
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Multi-Select Map Layers
Toggle multiple map layers without having to reopen the Layer Selector each time. Enable the new "Multiple Selections" setting at the bottom of the Map Settings menu, or in More > Settings > Layer Selector. You can also now pan and zoom around the map while the layer selector is open, even if the Multiple Selections setting is disabled.
View detailed FBO fees sourced from AOPA’s Airport Directory to help you make more informed flight planning decisions. Access fee information in the new Fees tab of the FBO detail view. For each FBO ForeFlight lists the type of fee, the fee amount, any notes, and a detailed breakdown for fees that vary by aircraft type.
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Safety Distance Factor for Takeoff & Landing
Increase your safety margins for Takeoff & Landing Performance calculations based on runway conditions and other factors. ForeFlight multiplies the initial distance amount by the Safety Distance Factor to produce the final result, and automatically applies your last-used factor for future flights with the same aircraft.
Takeoff & Landing Performance is included in ForeFlight Performance plans, and supports many popular piston and single-engine turboprop aircraft types.
Autofill Logbook Fields
ForeFlight can now automatically fill certain Logbook fields based on a flight’s Total Time, simplifying the process of filling in new entries. Select the fields you want to auto-fill in More > Logbook > Settings > Auto-Fill Settings.
The other new Logbook setting, “Total time Calculation”, allows you to choose how ForeFlight calculates Total Time if you don’t enter it directly. Options include Hobbs Time, Tach Time, Block Time, Flight Time, or Duty Time.

Collins/ARINC FMS Uplink
If you use Collins as your data-link service provider, you can now generate flight plan recall codes directly from ForeFlight.
After filing a flight plan, open the Flights view Navlog to find the auto-generated recall number in the bottom-left. ForeFlight also supports FMS flight plan uplink with Satcom Direct and Honeywell avionics.
Flight Plan Uplink is available with Performance Plus and Business Performance subscriptions.
Aerial Refueling Tracks
ForeFlight Military Flight Bag displays Aerial Refueling Tracks for both training and operational use around the world, helping military pilots plan and conduct flights that include aerial refueling. Like Military Training Routes, Aerial Refueling Tracks are built into ForeFlight’s Aeronautical Map layer, and you can enable them in the Map Settings menu in conjunction with Military Training Routes or on their own.