ForeFlight 14.4
Now Available!
ForeFlight 14.4 includes Per-Leg Altitude in Profile, Global Graphical NOTAMs, enhanced Metric unit support, and more.

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Per-Leg Altitude in Profile
Easily plan enroute altitude changes around terrain, weather, or airspace and visualize them in Profile View, with the option to start or end a climb or descent at a specified waypoint. To plan an altitude change at a specific waypoint, tap the waypoint’s bubble in the FPL Route Editor and tap Set Altitude/Speed/Time, or tap the waypoint’s label in Profile View.
Available with Pro Plus subscriptions and above.
Global Graphical NOTAMs
Previously limited to Europe, Graphical enroute NOTAMs are now supported globally with the new NOTAMs map layer. NOTAMs are color-coded red, yellow, or gray based on type, severity, and active times. Additionally, with the NOTAMs layer enabled, you can selectively filter which types are shown using the new menu in Map Settings > NOTAMs Settings, with toggles for Exercises, Controlled Airspaces, Obstacles, and Other.
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Distance Rings in Kilometers
Easily gauge the distance to your surroundings in kilometers with a new Distance Rings setting. Enable Distance Rings in Map Settings > Distance Rings, and tap any of the three labels attached to Distance Rings to change to kilometers.

Altitude Instruments in Meters
Customize the units of altitude displayed by the Map’s Instrument Panel for inflight reference with the new Altitude Instruments menu, available in More > Settings > Units/Time. Altitude Instruments affected by this setting include GPS Altitude, Height AGL, Height MEF, Pressure Altitude, Cabin Pressure, Vertical speed (meters per minute), Climb gradient (meters per distance unit), and Descent to Destination (meters per minute).
UL94 Fuel Prices
Find pricing and availability of UL94 fuel at FBOs in Airports > FBOs or by tapping an FBO icon on a plate or the map. Each FBO displays self service and full service pricing as applicable and also how long ago the price was updated. Like with other fuel types, you can update outdated or missing UL94 prices by tapping Update Fuel Prices in the bottom-right of the FBO detail view.

Expanded Runway Analysis Support
ForeFlight’s advanced Runway and Obstacle Analysis capability for jets now supports the Gulfstream G200. Runway Analysis is available for a growing list of aircraft types as an add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Runway Analysis for Individuals
Runway Analysis for Business
Military Flight Bag: Hide Pilot Info From Filing Form
Military Flight Bag customers can opt to reveal or hide their name on filed flight plan forms using the Hide Pilot Info on Filing Form setting. The new setting appears at the very bottom of the ICAO and DD-1801 flight plan forms after tapping Proceed to File in ForeFlight Mobile, and is enabled by default to automatically hide the pilot’s name on the flight plan form. This setting is currently only available on mobile devices.