ForeFlight 13.3
Now Available!
This release includes Taxi Routing, Dynamic Winds & Temperatures, Runway Lights in Airport 3D, and more.
Visit our video library for additional support and information.

Dynamic Winds and Temperatures
View global forecast wind speed, direction, and temperatures at multiple altitudes and times using these stunning animated weather layers. Both the “Winds (Temps)” and “Winds (Speeds)” layers use colorful heat maps covering the globe to represent their primary forecast values at the selected altitude and time. Overlaid on each layer’s heat map are smoothly-flowing particle animations representing wind direction and speed, providing an intuitive view of large-scale weather patterns in relation to the layer’s primary forecast value (wind speed or temperature). Use the Time Slider to view wind forecasts in a 24+ hour period, and move the Altitude Slider to view winds from the surface up to 63,000 ft.
Both layers are included with ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Watch the video

Weather Layer Legend
Easily interpret ForeFlight’s graphical weather layers with a new color legend just above the time slider. The legend appears when any of the following layers are enabled: Radar (Composite, Lowest Tilt, ADS-B, Sirius XM), Enhanced Satellite, Color IR Satellite, Icing and Turbulence (US, Global, ADS-B, Sirius XM, 557WW), Clouds, and the new Winds (Temps) and Winds (Speeds) layers.
You can disable the legend by deselecting “Map Legend” in the Map Settings menu.
Expanded Runway Analysis Aircraft Support
Our new Runway Analysis add-on feature for jet aircraft now supports additional aircraft types:
- Textron 525A Citation CJ2/CJ2+
- Textron 680 Citation Sovereign+
- Textron 750 Citation X+
- Bombardier Challenger 300
- Bombardier Learjet 40XR
- Bombardier Learjet 45XR
- Bombardier Learjet 75
Runway Analysis for Individuals
Runway Analysis for Business

ForeFlight Labs
ForeFlight Labs is a collection of cutting-edge capabilities that need your feedback before becoming fully-fledged features! These features are disabled by default, but you can enable them independently in More > Account under the ForeFlight Labs banner. Like other features, those added to ForeFlight Labs may be limited by subscription plan level, so only those features available with your subscription will be visible in ForeFlight Labs.
ForeFlight Labs: Taxi Routes
Chart a course to or from the runway with an interactive and contextually-aware taxi route bubble editor. The dynamic Taxi Route keyboard and bubble editor allow you to quickly add, remove, and rearrange route elements as your clearance is read out to you, with dedicated Clear, Undo, and Redo buttons for flexible editing. Your finished taxi route is displayed directly on the moving map as well as on the airport’s diagram in Plates. Enable Taxi Routes in the ForeFlight Labs section of More > Account.
Taxi Routing is available with ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Watch the video
Airport 3D Runway Lighting
Prepare for a night approach or establish a mental picture with toggleable Day/Night modes and realistic Runway Lights in Airport 3D. Use the Day/Night toggle in the bottom-right corner of Airport 3D to dim the surrounding terrain and expose the airport’s runway lights. Runway edge lighting is supported for most paved airports around the world, while larger airports may also display touchdown zone lights, PAPI lights, displaced threshold lights with approach light system if available, centerline lights, end light flashers, and more.
Airport 3D is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
New Ways to Import Documents
Easily import documents into ForeFlight and add them to custom binders using a dedicated Import button and intuitive drag-and-drop gestures. The new + button in the Imported Drive’s toolbar allows you to add files from the iOS Files app, your Photo Library, or by taking new photos with your device’s camera. On iPad you can also drag-and-drop files from other apps that support the gesture into the Imported Drive by opening both apps in split screen and dragging files over to ForeFlight.
Drag-and-Drop Files
Import multiple files at once this way by tapping additional items while still holding the initial file to “stack” them, then drag the stack over to ForeFlight and release it. This drag-and-drop workflow (including the “stacking” gesture for multiple files) also works within any Document Drive to add documents or entire folders to a custom binder. Simply drag the documents and/or folders over any binder in the Catalog on the left and release to add them to the binder, or drop them on the Add New Binder button to create and name a brand new binder containing the selected items.

Download in Background
ForeFlight can now download charts and data when the app is in the background, allowing you to use other apps on your iPad or iPhone without interrupting the download process. ForeFlight can download but not install data when backgrounded, so the next time you open the app it will take a couple minutes to install the new data before all downloads show as completed. iOS may pause the background downloads if you sleep the device while low on battery power, so we recommend connecting to a power source if you plan to sleep the device while downloading.
Link Multiple Jeppesen Accounts
Connect more than one Jeppesen account in ForeFlight for expanded access to chart coverages, or combine linked coverages with those purchased through ForeFlight for even greater flexibility. Individual customers can sign into multiple Jeppesen accounts by tapping “Add Jeppesen Account” in More > Jeppesen after adding the initial account. ForeFlight Business account administrators can sign into and manage multiple Jeppesen accounts on the web here.
Learn more about Jeppesen charts in ForeFlight at

New European Charts
All customers with the Europe region can now access SwissTopo’s VFR ICAO chart for Switzerland as part of the Europe VFR map layer at no additional charge. Also, Rogers Data has released new 1:500k VFR charts for the following locations: the Balkans, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Norway, Romania, and Sweden. The new charts are automatically included in Rogers’ “Full Europe” combo package at no additional charge, and are also available as two new add-on regions.
Military Flight Bag: MTR Filing
ForeFlight MFB customers can now file flight plans containing Military Training Routes (MTRs) more seamlessly and accurately thanks to improvements in how MTRs are parsed and formatted in the flight plan form. ForeFlight will automatically determine whether or not a given MTR is contained in the FAA's database and format it accordingly, as well as populating the Remarks field with necessary information to file the flight plan successfully.