Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck Customers:
Guide to ForeFlight for Individuals
Part of a flight department? Learn more here:
ForeFlight is the best way to view Jeppesen charts on a mobile app, offering best in class flight planning and filing, geo-referenced Jeppesen chart integration, stunning global weather visualization and world-wide airport information, integrated document management, flight logging, synthetic vision and so much more.

Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck Has Been Discontinued
The Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck app (JeppFD) has been discontinued and is no longer suitable for flight planning or inflight use. The app has been removed from the App Store, meaning it cannot be downloaded on new devices, but it will remain on devices that already have it installed. The app will no longer provide new chart and data updates beyond the 2401 AIRAC cycle which expired on February 22, 2024.

Regulatory Support Documents
If your single- or multi-pilot operation requires and has not yet received regulatory approval to fly with ForeFlight Mobile, a document package is now available to support you in seeking approval. Visit this page and sign into your existing ForeFlight account to download the package, or contact Sales to request the documents from ForeFlight’s Sales team.
Jump Start Your Transition to ForeFlight
Smooth out your transition to ForeFlight Mobile with our interactive training that walks you through the switch from Jepp FD to ForeFlight while also highlighting the key differences between the two platforms.

VIDEO: Viewing Jeppesen Plates in ForeFlight
See how easy it is to view and organize your Jeppesen procedure plates and Airway Manuals in ForeFlight with this short tutorial video. ForeFlight's Flight Binders feature was directly inspired by JeppFD's tab layout, so transitioning customers will find a familiar interface in ForeFlight with some notable improvements.
Smart Notes Now Available in ForeFlight Mobile!
Inspired by the popular “Smart Notes” feature in Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck, Operational Note Flags give you immediate access to critical information about airspace and other elements so you don’t have to search for them. Operational Note Flags are enabled by default but can be toggled off in the Map Settings menu.
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See Why ForeFlight is the Leading Flight App
Click any link below to jump to each section on the page and learn about the great features ForeFlight has to offer.
What's New in ForeFlight
Fast, Efficient Flight Planning
Planning to get from A to B used to be a chore. Not any longer. ForeFlight Mobile is designed to boost the speed and efficiency of your planning, briefing, and filing workflow. ForeFlight gives you the flexibility to use graphical Touch Planning™ on the Maps view or the full-featured form-based planner in the Flights view. Be sure to add performance data to your aircraft profile for better fuel consumption and wind-adjusted flight time.

File & Brief
File days ahead of time, amend plans, activate and close VFR flight plans, and get instant, comprehensive, recorded weather briefings.

Touch Planning
Drag. Drop. Fly. It's that easy. ForeFlight Mobile's Touch Planning feature puts you in control of where you go and how you get there. All with a single tap.

Flight Notifications
Receive in-app notifications when conditions along your route of flight change between when you filed and your departure time.

Procedure Advisor
Select and visualize Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs), Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs), and even traffic pattern entries. Easily add any procedure to your route with a tap.

Altitude Advisor
Where is the best tailwind? Altitude Advisor knows. See wind strength, direction, and re-computed total time and fuel burn for every altitude.

Graphical Route Advisor
A visual preview of automatically computed route options recently assigned or cleared by ATC, official preferred routes between airports, and terminal enroute control routes.
Flight Plan Filing
File your IFR or VFR flight plan in seconds, from within the app or on the web. Our dual AFTN connections on two continents ensure reliability in transmitting filed flight plans.
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IFR flight plan filing is supported in the U.S. and its territories, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Australia, and all EUROCONTROL member states.
ForeFlight also supports filing intra-Canada and cross-border VFR flight plans between the US and Canada. Broader support for VFR filing via EUROCONTROL is coming soon.

Maps & Charts
ForeFlight offers a wide range VFR, IFR, and specialty charts, including: ICAO Charts, Terminal Area Charts, VFR Flyways, Helicopter, Grand Canyon, and more. You're covered, whatever or wherever you fly.

All the VFR & IFR Charts You Need
VFR and IFR charts from the FAA, NAV CANADA, EUROCONTROL, as well as other sources to give you everything you need for any type of flying.
Find useful information at every zoom level with this customizable, data-driven map layer, complete with embedded airport diagrams.

Get the full picture with dozens of interactive map layers for weather, hazards, surface maps, fuel prices, and imported custom content.

SIDs, STARs, and geo-referenced approaches and taxi charts help you find your way in the air and on the ground.
Better Weather & Briefings
A rich library of weather products and a one-of-a-kind graphical preflight briefing will get you to your destination faster, safer, and probably a bit drier.
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From animated radar to graphical AIR/SIGMETs to global Winds Aloft, over a dozen map overlays ou exactly where the weather is in relation to your planned route.
Hundreds of detailed current conditions and forecast weather imagery products at your fingertips.
Translated text and full-color graphics help you better understand and consume briefing information.
Global Hazard Awareness Technology
No sneak peaks. ForeFlight Mobile features a variety of hazard avoidance technologies that use Jeppesen’s global high-resolution terrain and obstacle data to provide pilots with better situational awareness and safety, anywhere they fly.

Hazard Advisor highlights hazardous terrain and obstacles nearby. The display is updated constantly based on GPS altitude and position.

Profile view takes our Hazard Advisor feature into vertical mode and gives you a side view of terrain and obstacles along your planned route or ahead of your aircraft.

ForeFlight Synthetic vision is the most widely used mobile synthetic vision system. Fast, elegant, and precise, with features like night mode and luminous terrain.

Sentry ADS-B Portables
Enhance your inflight situational awareness with real-time weather, traffic, WAAS GPS, and more in ForeFlight Mobile with our line of compact ADS-B receivers. Ranging from just the essentials in Sentry Mini to the best-of-the-best in Sentry Plus, there’s a safety-enhancing solution for every pilot.

ForeFlight Logbook
Logbook is built-in to the ForeFlight app and securely syncs across all your devices, making it easy for pilots to log and share flights, track hours, review currency, record certificates and ratings, receive electronic instructor endorsements, and generate experience reports.
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Logbook on ForeFlight Web
Log your flights from anywhere with expanded access on ForeFlight Web! The web interface combines Logbook's familiar streamlined design with the convenience of a mouse and keyboard, making adding, editing, and reviewing entries a breeze. Log in to ForeFlight Web to get started.
Sync Between Devices
Logbook on Web syncs details between devices so you can manage your Logbook from anywhere.

Log Entries
In the Entries view you can manage your logged flights and add new ones. Request a signature from your instructor with the “Request Signature” button at the bottom of an entry.

Manage Drafts & Requests
In the Drafts & Requests tab of Logbook you can approve draft entries made from Track Logs or filed flight plans, and respond to signature requests if you’re a flight instructor.
ForeFlight Checklist
Run through your checklists with ease and reduce cockpit clutter with ForeFlight Checklist. Digital checklist templates keep important safety procedures organized and easily accessible for every phase of flight, and helpful color-coding leaves no step left unchecked.

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Checklist Speak
ForeFlight serves as your helpful copilot by automatically calling out each item in a checklist so you can focus on flying. A quick-action bar at the bottom of the screen remains visible on every app view and allows you to pause or exit Speak mode, and move faster or slower through the checklist.
Documents At Your Fingertips
ForeFlight provides hundreds of freely-downloadable documents from official government sources, including the FAA, NAV CANADA, and EUROCONTROL. Provider-specific documents are also available with select subscription add-ons, such as Jeppesen’s global enroute manuals and documents from European chart providers like DFS, Skyguide, and Rogers Data.
Automatic Document Downloads
Download individual documents, folders, or entire drives, and ForeFlight will automatically update them when new versions or documents become available.

Document Syncing
Your documents and related information like annotations and bookmarks are included in ForeFlight’s Sync system, allowing you to easily pick up where you left off when moving between devices. Documents that you import on any device are automatically backed up to ForeFlight’s secure cloud infrastructure, ensuring access on any device and protecting against accidental data loss.
Find Your Balance
The best weight and balance feature in a comprehensive flight support app. Pre-loaded with over 100 aircraft models for easier setup.
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Our weight and balance configuration technology walks you through an interview, helping you build the perfect setup using your aircraft’s type certificate information.

FAQs for Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck Customers
Q: Is the Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck app being discontinued?
A: Yes. Support for Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck will end on January 25, 2024 - the first day of the 2401 AIRAC chart cycle. Updated chart and data downloads will not be delivered for the 2402 AIRAC cycle and beyond, so the app will only provide expired charts and data starting with the 2402 cycle. Additionally, JeppFD will be removed from Apple’s App Store on the sunset date to prevent the app from being installed on new devices. However, the app will remain on devices that have already installed it.
Q: Are Jeppesen digital chart services being discontinued?
A: No. Subscriptions to Jeppesen digital charts will not change and there will be no disruption to a customer’s service. Only the Jeppesen chart viewing iPad app, Mobile FliteDeck, is being discontinued.
Q: Why is the Mobile FliteDeck app being discontinued?
A: ForeFlight Mobile, Boeing’s flagship app for general/business aviation, is the optimal way to view Jeppesen’s worldwide chart coverages. ForeFlight also provides industry-leading mobile flight planning and inflight capabilities, from spot-on time and fuel calculations to immersive 3D airport and route previews, with monthly feature releases that continually enhance its value and utility. Our development resources are focused on continuing to add functionality and Jeppesen integration to ForeFlight apps and web-based solutions.
Q: How do I transition from Mobile FliteDeck app to ForeFlight Mobile?
A: Individual pilots can purchase a ForeFlight subscription at, and multi-pilot account admins can purchase a ForeFlight Business subscription at or by contacting their Jeppesen Sales representative.
Q: I’m part of a business aviation flight department using Mobile FliteDeck—what do I need to do?
A: Please fill out the contact form for business aviation operators and be sure to provide us with contact information for your EFB administrator. We can then work directly with your EFB administrator as needed to set up accounts and ensure a seamless transition for your flight department. Additionally, please let your EFB administrator know directly that he/she needs to get in touch with ForeFlight's Sales team to set up an account.
Q: How do I link my Jeppesen charts to view them in ForeFlight Mobile?
A: Visit this support article for instructions on how to sign into your Jeppesen account in ForeFlight and activate available chart coverages for download. If you haven't yet deactivated your chart coverages in Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck to free up additional licesnes, you can learn how to do so here.
Q: Where can I get support for Mobile FliteDeck?
A: The technical support team can be reached through the Jeppesen Customer Support Portal. Additional info can be found on the Mobile FliteDeck support page.
Q: Is JeppView the same as Mobile FliteDeck?
A: No. Please see the table below for more information.
Product | Description |
JeppView | JeppView is Jeppesen’s original digital chart service. It is PC-based software that allows users to view/print charts on the ground. It also has limited route planning functionality and the ability to create “trip kits” for a particular route. At this time, JeppView is still supported but will be retired in early 2024. Similar charting functionality is currently being developed in ForeFlight Web as a future alternative tool. |
JeppView MFD (Multi-Function Display) | JeppView MFD is sometimes used to describe a Jeppesen digital chart service that integrates with the front panel multi-function display (MFD). We have moved away from the “JeppView MFD” name in favor of descriptive naming: “Jeppesen digital chart services for avionics.” These services are sold individually, or as part of bundled data/chart packages for many Garmin and Avidyne systems. Additionally, the site keys from this chart service can also be used for ForeFlight Mobile, providing access to Jeppesen digital charts through the aircraft MFD, and a mobile device. |
Mobile FliteDeck (JeppFD) | Jeppesen’s mobile chart viewing app for iPads. The app is identified for discontinuation—the replacement app is ForeFlight Mobile, which can seamlessly integrate Jeppesen digital chart services. Subscriptions to Jeppesen digital charts will not change and there will be no disruption to a customer’s service. |