Content Packs
Content Packs in ForeFlight provide an easy way to import, use, and share sets of custom content. Content Packs can include custom airport, procedure, and geo-referenced charts; KML map layers containing shapes, points, and labels; and Navigation Data that links custom waypoints to viewable PDF files.
Content Packs are supported for all individual, Business Performance, and MFB Performance subscription plans.
Custom Content in ForeFlight
Custom content in ForeFlight is a great way to enhance its usefulness for your own flight operations. Join Joey Arena and Grant Gibbons to learn about the different types of custom content supported by ForeFlight, how to create and combine them into Content Packs, and how to effectively deploy them during different types of missions.
Custom Waypoint Elevations
Specify elevations for custom waypoints to plan flights to and from them like you would airports, complete with accurate climb and descent performance calculations and depictions in Profile View.
User Waypoint Range Rings
Easily gauge distances from a target, ROZ, avoidance area, or any other point with User Waypoint Range Rings, available with ForeFlight’s most advanced subscription for military pilots, MFB One.
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