Automatic Track Logging
This video describes ForeFlight's auto-start, -stop, and -upload capabilities for Track Logs, and how you can automatically create new Logbook entries from Track Logs.
Import Garmin G1000 Track Logs
ForeFlight can import track logs created by a Garmin G1000 to simplify how you organize and access your recorded flights. Imported G1000 track logs support all the same features as native ForeFlight track logs, so you can debrief the flight using Track Log Review, follow it in 3D Review, and send it to your Logbook for easy recordkeeping.
Track Log Editing
Trim your recorded track logs using non-destructive editing to accurately line them up with the beginning and end of your flights and automatically update Logbook entries to match.
Track Log Review
Track Log Review in ForeFlight is an integrated flight debriefing tool that allows you to simultaneously view and compare multiple types of data throughout the flight, making it easy to assess maneuvers and other details.
Importing Track Logs into CloudAhoy
This video will show you how to easily import flight data into CloudAhoy from ForeFlight.
Become A Better Pilot with CloudAhoy Debriefing
Join ForeFlight staff to learn how CloudAhoy’s powerful and intuitive debriefing tools can help pilots of all experience levels learn from every flight and hone their flying skills. This webinar will demonstrate how to get started with CloudAhoy’s free trial and easily import your ForeFlight track logs for debriefing, and will also take a behind-the-scenes look at CloudAhoy’s advanced Flight Analyzer – the rule-based knowledge engine that automatically segments and scores your maneuvers and procedures.
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