3D Airport Traffic
Follow live approaches, landings, and takeoffs in 3D with FlightAware-sourced Internet Traffic in 3D Airports, available with Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
3D Approach Preview
3D Preview in ForeFlight displays markers for each waypoint in your route, including labeled approach fixes, allowing you to better visualize every step of your approach all the way down to the runway. 3D Preview is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Airport 3D View
Airport 3D View is an interactive preview that combines terrain and aerial imagery to help you get familiar with new airports anywhere in the world. Whether you're preparing for a challenging approach or daydreaming about new places to fly, 3D View provides new and unique vantage points that prepare you for the real thing.
Airport 3D View is included in ForeFlight's top-tier subscription plan. Learn more and upgrade here.
Enhanced 3D Review
3D Review is a flight planning and debriefing capability that allows you to review planned and recorded flights with immersive 3D terrain and aerial imagery, as well as switch between different camera modes for a fully interactive experience. Prepare for an upcoming flight by familiarizing yourself with landmarks and ground features along your planned route, and replay a past flight with pitch and bank data to evaluate your maneuvers. 3D Review is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Forecast Weather in 3D Preview
Enhance your preflight weather planning with interactive Icing and Turbulence forecast layers in 3D Preview, available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Obstacles in 3D View
Spot potential hazards along your route and establish a mental picture of final approach with the help of Obstacles in ForeFlight’s 3D View suite, included in ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Runway Lights in 3D Airports
Prepare for a night approach or establish a mental picture with toggleable Day/Night modes and realistic Runway Lights in Airport 3D, available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
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