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    Aeronautical Maps Enhancements
    ForeFlight 8.2 brings the first big update to the global data-driven Aeronautical Maps since their introduction with airspace altitudes, ARTCC frequency stamps, Mode C rings, Class E surface areas, TRSAs, SATRs, and US ADIZ. Aeronautical Maps are available as part of ForeFlight's Basic Plus, Pro Plus, and Business Pro subscription plans, and as an add-on to other plans. Visit to see what other features are offered on these plans and to upgrade.
    Aviation Weather Tips Every Pilot Should Know
    Every day pilots use various weather reports and forecasts to make many routine operational decisions. Knowing how to use this guidance within its limitations is paramount. While pilots are taught the basics, many important details are left out of their primary training. This program will discuss some common mistakes pilots make and provide a few tips on how to properly utilize this weather guidance in their day-to-day preflight planning regiment.
    Color IR Satellite
    The Color infrared Satellite layer is an alternative to the original satellite layer (now called Enhanced Satellite) that extends ForeFlight’s weather planning capabilities.
    Custom Waypoint Elevations

    Specify elevations for custom waypoints to plan flights to and from them like you would airports, complete with accurate climb and descent performance calculations and depictions in Profile View.

    Forecast Weather in 3D Preview

    Enhance your preflight weather planning with interactive Icing and Turbulence forecast layers in 3D Preview, available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.

    ForeFlight + Jeppesen Partner to Bring Jeppesen Charts to ForeFlight

    Jeppesen's global charts, terrain, obstacles, and NavData® are coming to ForeFlight Mobile – your all-in-one solution for planning, briefing, filing, flying, and logging flights. We are excited to announce this partnership that is truly greater than the sum of its charts. Our long-term strategic alliance with Jeppesen will advance the development and delivery of innovative products and services faster than either organization could deliver on its own. Learn more at

    Improved Planning Features

    OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "More" tab was redesigned from a single page to a pull-out menu, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.

    ForeFlight now offers an enhanced flight planning workflow thanks to improvements to aircraft, the Maps view flight plan editor, and the File & Brief view, which is now called “Flights”.

    This video is for ForeFlight customers with subscription plans other than Performance Plus, including the original plans and the Basic Plus and Pro Plus plans. If you have the Performance Plus plan, or want to see what is different with that plan, check out our Performance video series.

    Internet Traffic Layer

    Stream live global aircraft traffic directly in ForeFlight with the Internet Traffic layer. ForeFlight allows you to view airborne traffic around the globe, and ground traffic at thousands of airports worldwide, to help you gauge airport activity like active arrivals and runways, see how ATC vectors traffic around weather, or assist with planespotting on the ground. Internet Traffic is included in all ForeFlight subscription plans.

    New Weather Imagery

    This video introduces the new weather collections in the ForeFlight Mobile Imagery view.

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