ForeFlight’s Integrated & Automated Solution for Bombardier Operators
ForeFlight and Bombardier staff demonstrate how ForeFlight’s Runway Analysis and Weight & Balance capabilities can help Bombardier pilots improve their flight planning workflow. This webinar includes a complete walkthrough of the flight planning workflow from aircraft setup to Weight & Balance configuration and Runway Analysis calculations.
ForeFlight's Integrated Runway Analysis and Weight & Balance
Join Aircraft Performance Team Lead Jordan Hovland and ForeFlight’s QA/Product Analyst and active Bombardier pilot Josh Pava to learn how ForeFlight’s integrated Runway Analysis and recently-enhanced Weight & Balance capabilities can help pilots and flight departments alike improve their flight planning workflows.
Runway Analysis
Ensure a safe takeoff and landing with ForeFlight Runway Analysis, an advanced runway and obstacle analysis capability for jet aircraft that’s seamlessly integrated with ForeFlight’s existing planning workflows. Built around AFM performance data and complete with engine-out procedures and a detailed Summary document, ForeFlight Runway Analysis provides a fast, easy, and thoroughly reliable solution for flight departments and owner-operators of jet aircraft everywhere.
Runway Analysis is available as a paid add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Find details on supported aircraft, pricing, and how to purchase here.
ForeFlight Runway Analysis and Weight & Balance (NBAA BACE 2021)
ForeFlight Runway Analysis simplifies and expedites your flight planning workflow and delivers trustworthy performance results based on manufacturer data. Sporting an intuitive and streamlined interface with a newly integrated Weight & Balance component, Runway Analysis incorporates data you’ve already entered to speed up its calculations and give you the critical information you need to make a Go/No-Go decision. This presentation will cover Runway Analysis in its entirety, from aircraft setup to flight planning and generating a detailed summary document for record-keeping.
ForeFlight is Bringing it All Together for Business Aviation (NBAA BACE 2021)
With the leading integrated flight app for pilots, a next-generation collaborative planning product for flight planners, integrated and dependable Runway Analysis calculations, and an automated tankering product just around the corner, ForeFlight is truly bringing it all together for Business Aviation. This presentation will provide an overview of all of ForeFlight’s major products and capabilities for flight departments, and demonstrate how they build on each other to make your operation more efficient.
Maximize Your Savings with Fuel Advisor
Join ForeFlight Product Manager Caitlin Galloway and Director of Engineering Daniel Dahl to learn how Fuel Advisor, ForeFlight’s integrated tankering solution, can maximize your savings on every trip. Caitlin and Daniel will demonstrate how Fuel Advisor integrates with the next-generation flight planning capabilities of ForeFlight Dispatch, and identifies savings while taking aircraft performance, Runway Analysis, and Weight & Balance into consideration.
Takeoff & Landing Distances for Pistons
NOTE: Takeoff and Landing Performance for single-engine turboprops is now available with the Runway Analysis add-on product. Learn more and view supported models here.
Takeoff and Landing Distances for pistons is a powerful flight planning capability that provides safety-enhancing runway performance calculations returned in seconds. Seamlessly integrated into ForeFlight’s flight planning workflow, Takeoff and Landing Distances incorporates aircraft performance and weather data to calculate important flight metrics and ensure they’re within the aircraft’s and runway’s limits. Takeoff and Landing Distances for pistons is included at no additional charge in ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan.
Click here to learn more about Takeoff & Landing Performance.
To see if your aircraft is supported for Takeoff & Landing Performance check out our online Aircraft Library.
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