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VFR Flying in Europe
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Wolfgang Oestreich to learn the essentials of planning, filing, and flying VFR flights in Europe. Wolfgang will demonstrate how to generate a route in seconds, check weather conditions, show how ForeFlight can optimise your flight plan for maximum efficiency, and much more.
IFR Flight Planning & Filing in Europe
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Wolfgang Oestreich to learn the essentials of planning, filing, and flying IFR in Europe. Wolfgang will explain how to configure your aircraft’s filing codes, how to easily generate and file a EUROCONTROL-valid route in seconds, and how to organise the procedure charts you’ll need for the flight.
Military Flight Bag DD-1801 Filing
ForeFlight Military Flight Bag pilots can now file flight plans using the military’s official DD-1801 filing form directly through ForeFlight, greatly simplifying their preflight workflow and reducing reliance on paper. The DD-1801 filing form is available with all ForeFlight MFB subscription plans.
DoD regulations often require that all pilots departing from a military field fill out and sign a DD-1801 flight plan form and submit it to base operations by hand, fax, or email. To simplify this process, ForeFlight will automatically generate a DD-1801 PDF with your flight’s details, then allow you to digitally sign it and send it via email to base ops.
Visit https://foreflight.com/mfb to learn more about ForeFlight Military Flight Bag.
ForeFlight + Jeppesen Partner to Bring Jeppesen Charts to ForeFlight
Jeppesen's global charts, terrain, obstacles, and NavData® are coming to ForeFlight Mobile – your all-in-one solution for planning, briefing, filing, flying, and logging flights. We are excited to announce this partnership that is truly greater than the sum of its charts. Our long-term strategic alliance with Jeppesen will advance the development and delivery of innovative products and services faster than either organization could deliver on its own. Learn more at https://foreflight.com/jeppesen.
IFR Flying in Canada
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Adrian Tegler to see how ForeFlight makes filing an IFR flight plan in Canada faster and easier. Adrian will demonstrate features that enhance your safety and awareness during planning, inflight, and post-flight such as Alternate Advisor to easily find an alternate airport, Profile View to identify potential hazards like terrain, obstacles, and forecast weather along your route, and much more.
IFR Flying in Canada, Part 2
We received so many great questions during our IFR Flying in Canada webinar that we decided to hold another one dedicated to answering them! ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Adrian Tegler will reprise his role as webinar host for this follow-up presentation focused on questions regarding IFR filing regulations in Canada. Adrian will also share a number of ForeFlight support resources you can access to learn more about the topics of IFR flying and flight plan filing.
Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Canadian Pilots
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team members and Canadian pilots Adrian Tegler and Dominik Ochmanek to learn the top 10 things Canadian pilots should know about planning and flying with ForeFlight. The two will answer common questions about flight plan filing, show how to access NAV CANADA charts and documents in ForeFlight, and much more.
VFR & IFR Autorouting in Europe
ForeFlight’s Route Advisor provides fast autorouting in Europe for both IFR and VFR flights, helping pilots of any kind find the best route for their flight. Powered by a state-of-the-art cloud-based routing engine, Route Advisor generates optimized and EUROCONTROL-validated IFR, YFR, and ZFR routes in seconds, and also returns VFR route suggestions that comply with standard AIP guidelines. And with support for VFR and IFR flight plan filing throughout Europe, ForeFlight is the one-stop-shop for integrated planning, filing, and flying.
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