VFR Flying in Canada
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Dominik Ochmanek to learn how ForeFlight makes VFR flights in Canada safer. Dominik will review VFR flight rules and walk you through a flight to demonstrate the tools you need to increase your competency in ForeFlight, helping you keep your focus outside instead of on your devices.
VFR Flying in Europe
Join ForeFlight Pilot Support Team member Wolfgang Oestreich to learn the essentials of planning, filing, and flying VFR flights in Europe. Wolfgang will demonstrate how to generate a route in seconds, check weather conditions, show how ForeFlight can optimise your flight plan for maximum efficiency, and much more.
VFR & IFR Autorouting in Europe
ForeFlight’s Route Advisor provides fast autorouting in Europe for both IFR and VFR flights, helping pilots of any kind find the best route for their flight. Powered by a state-of-the-art cloud-based routing engine, Route Advisor generates optimized and EUROCONTROL-validated IFR, YFR, and ZFR routes in seconds, and also returns VFR route suggestions that comply with standard AIP guidelines. And with support for VFR and IFR flight plan filing throughout Europe, ForeFlight is the one-stop-shop for integrated planning, filing, and flying.
Charts & Data for European Pilots
European pilots can improve their planning and flying experience with flexible chart options in ForeFlight, including both IFR and VFR charts that pack all the essentials you need into one integrated app. European subscriptions include Jeppesen VFR and IFR data built into ForeFlight’s map, and charts and AIPs for supported countries via EUROCONTROL, giving you a solid foundation for any type of flying. Additionally, you can select optional VFR chart and AIP add-ons as part of your subscription to enhance your VFR flying with your preferred chart providers.
ForeFlight for Australia
Join ForeFlight support team members and Australian pilots Greg McAllister and Kristina Brown as they discuss the recent ForeFlight release, which brought support for our all-in-one solution to general aviation pilots and flight departments in the Australian region. Access Airservices VFR & IFR Enroute Charts, Procedure & Aerodrome Charts, Documents, file flights directly, and much more all within ForeFlight.
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Worldwide Data-Driven Jeppesen Enroute Charts
Jeppesen’s global enroute charts are now available in ForeFlight Mobile for all customers who have purchased or linked Jeppesen chart coverages. No matter what Jeppesen coverage you have, you can download the entire set of global VFR and IFR enroute charts, at no additional cost and with no setup or configuration required.
Jeppesen enroute charts are not available for the following iOS devices: iPad Mini 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, and iPhone 5 and below.
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