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Custom Waypoint Elevations
Specify elevations for custom waypoints to plan flights to and from them like you would airports, complete with accurate climb and descent performance calculations and depictions in Profile View.
Using the Airports View
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "Airports" tab was redesigned, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
The Airports view is your all-in-one source for any kind of information about airports. From current and forecast weather to runways, procedures, and FBOs, the Airports view is one of the most important places in ForeFlight when it comes to flight planning.
Runway Lights in 3D Airports
Prepare for a night approach or establish a mental picture with toggleable Day/Night modes and realistic Runway Lights in Airport 3D, available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
3D Airport Traffic
Follow live approaches, landings, and takeoffs in 3D with FlightAware-sourced Internet Traffic in 3D Airports, available with Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
AHAS Forecasts
Get a consolidated view of all US Air Force Avian Hazard Advisory System forecasts at airports that provide them with AHAS Forecasts, available with ForeFlight’s Military Flight Bag One subscription plan.
Airport 3D View
Airport 3D View is an interactive preview that combines terrain and aerial imagery to help you get familiar with new airports anywhere in the world. Whether you're preparing for a challenging approach or daydreaming about new places to fly, 3D View provides new and unique vantage points that prepare you for the real thing.
Airport 3D View is included in ForeFlight's top-tier subscription plan. Learn more and upgrade here.
Airport Runway Length Filter
Customize ForeFlight’s Aeronautical Map by hiding airports with runways shorter than a set length with the Minimum Runway Length filter.
Daily/Hourly Forecasts
Stay on top of weather today or next week with Daily and Hourly Forecasts - an all-purpose, 10-day, hour-by-hour forecast for any location on Earth.
You can access Daily Forecasts in several ways - from the Daily tab in the Airport Weather view, which provides a tappable summary of each day’s forecast; from the Add to Route popup after tap-holding anywhere on the map; from the Nearby Airports list in the top-right corner of the Airports view, which shows the forecast for your current location; and from ForeFlight’s Quick Actions list after tap-holding on the app icon, which provides an even faster shortcut to view your local forecast.
Distance Rings
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "More" tab was redesigned from a single page to a pull-out menu, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
Keep an eye on how far you are from nearby airports, obstacles, and landmarks using distance rings. You can set the rings to automatically grow and shrink as you change zoom level, or set them to display flight times rather than distances. This simple tool is a must-have for maximizing inflight situational awareness.
Flight Planning Enhancements
You can now preview all route options visually on an interactive map with Route Advisor. Simply tap through the list to highlight each route on the map, then tap “Select Route” to add it to your flight plan. An interactive Route Preview map in the Flights view provides a quick visual reference of your route, showing the departure and destination airports overlaid on a simple basemap with radar.
There are also enhancements to the flight planning workflow in the Flights view: the airport fields at the top have smart search functionality to help you find the right airports, and the Add Next Flight button makes it faster and easier to plan multi-leg flights by carrying forward departure, aircraft details, payload, fuel policy, and more. You can also export your flight plan in the official ICAO format and print, email, share via AirDrop, or save a copy in ForeFlight Documents.
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