ForeFlight displays FBO fees from AOPA’s Airport Directory to help you make more informed flight planning decisions.
Access an FBO’s fees from the FBO detail view by tapping the Fees tab. For each fee ForeFlight shows the type of fee and any notes on the left and the cost on the right. Fees that vary by aircraft type or other factors show a range of costs that you can tap into to see the full breakdown.
Helpful Web Features
Select an FBO on the Flights View
A new section in the Flights view planning form allows you to select an FBO at your destination airport, making helpful functions and information easily accessible while planning and viewing your flight. The Destination Services tab opens the familiar ForeFlight Directory list where you can compare all the FBOs at an airport and view additional details like services, photos, comments, and fuel prices. Once you select an FBO, new buttons appear on the planning form to call or email the FBO, find its location in the Apple Maps app, or view its details.
ForeFlight also remembers your selection at every airport where you choose an FBO and automatically selects the same FBO the next time you plan a flight to that airport, saving you time and making useful functions quickly accessible.
Send FBO Fuel Orders
FBO Fuel Orders allow you to notify the destination FBO of your estimated arrival time and fuel order request using a simple form that is transmitted right from the Flights tab.
Fuel Orders are available for Performance Plus and Business Performance subscribers.
Using the Airports View
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "Airports" tab was redesigned, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
The Airports view is your all-in-one source for any kind of information about airports. From current and forecast weather to runways, procedures, and FBOs, the Airports view is one of the most important places in ForeFlight when it comes to flight planning.
Procedure Preview
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