TFR Alerts
TFR Alerts enhance your inflight situational awareness by warning you of nearby TFRs, whether or not the TFR layer is selected. If ForeFlight detects that you will enter or pass near a TFR within the next five minutes, it will give you a visual and auditory alert. Alerts are also triggered if you enter a TFR, or fly above or below a TFR at a nearby altitude. You can adjust settings related to TFR alerts by tapping More, then Settings, then scroll down to Alerts.
Controlled Airspace Alerts
Fly more confidently around controlled airspace with multi-stage visual and audio alerts that proactively warn you of approaching airspace with Controlled Airspace Alerts.
Like TFR Alerts, Controlled Airspace Alerts are enabled by default for all ForeFlight users. To toggle or configure these and other alerts, scroll to the bottom of the Map Settings menu to find the Alerts menu, which is also available in the main Settings view, and scroll to the Airspace & NOTAMs section.
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