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Improved Planning Features
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "More" tab was redesigned from a single page to a pull-out menu, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
ForeFlight now offers an enhanced flight planning workflow thanks to improvements to aircraft, the Maps view flight plan editor, and the File & Brief view, which is now called “Flights”.
This video is for ForeFlight customers with subscription plans other than Performance Plus, including the original plans and the Basic Plus and Pro Plus plans. If you have the Performance Plus plan, or want to see what is different with that plan, check out our Performance video series.
Flight Planning Enhancements
You can now preview all route options visually on an interactive map with Route Advisor. Simply tap through the list to highlight each route on the map, then tap “Select Route” to add it to your flight plan. An interactive Route Preview map in the Flights view provides a quick visual reference of your route, showing the departure and destination airports overlaid on a simple basemap with radar.
There are also enhancements to the flight planning workflow in the Flights view: the airport fields at the top have smart search functionality to help you find the right airports, and the Add Next Flight button makes it faster and easier to plan multi-leg flights by carrying forward departure, aircraft details, payload, fuel policy, and more. You can also export your flight plan in the official ICAO format and print, email, share via AirDrop, or save a copy in ForeFlight Documents.
Using the Airports View
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "Airports" tab was redesigned, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
The Airports view is your all-in-one source for any kind of information about airports. From current and forecast weather to runways, procedures, and FBOs, the Airports view is one of the most important places in ForeFlight when it comes to flight planning.
Helpful Web Features
Pack Charts & Weather on Flights
To further streamline your planning workflow on Flights, you’ll find a quick access button to Pack directly below the Flight Log. Just like the ‘suitcase’ button on the Maps view, tap ‘Pack and it will analyze your route and package up all of the charts, data, NOTAM, and weather information (including Icing and Turbulence for Pro Plus and Performance Plus customers) you’ll need to access offline during your flight.
Customize the Aeronautical Map
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "More" tab was redesigned from a single page to a pull-out menu, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
ForeFlight's data-driven Aeronautical Maps allow you to customize which map elements you show or hide. You can also choose between Light, Dark, and Classic map themes and toggle terrain features on and off. With the Aeronautical layer selected you can add or remove airspace, view high or low airways, and adjust label text size. Try mixing and matching the new map settings to find the combination that works best for you.
Enabling Terrain
Basemap and Terrain Improvements
The ForeFlight map engine has a significantly upgraded basemap, which now renders more quickly, smoothly, and with sharper depiction of features such as major roads, railways, national parks, and state and national boundaries. There’s also a new “Shaded Terrain” option, which uses grayscale shading to depict terrain, providing the same level of detail as the colored terrain option with less visual distraction.
In the Map Settings menu, choose from multiple presentations: Colored, Shaded, or None.
Hazard Advisor Altitude Preview
Manually control Hazard Advisor’s altitude before a flight to find a minimum altitude route around terrain, then revert to Auto mode during a flight to lock Hazard Advisor to your actual altitude.
Hazard Advisor is available with Pro Plus subscription plans and above.
Scheduled Flight Search
ForeFlight now allows you to search for aircraft tail numbers, call signs, and flight numbers on the Maps view to see recently filed flight plans.
Dark App Theme
ForeFlight now allows you to apply a dark theme to the entire app. Go to More - Settings and tap App Theme at the top, then tap Dark. This darkens the background colors on most pages while maintaining highlight colors and prominent white text, so important information is easily visible.
Aeronautical Maps Enhancements
Global Aeronautical Maps
Global Procedure Advisor
All ForeFlight customers can now access international departures, arrivals, and approaches using Procedure Advisor, expanding the scope of ForeFlight’s global planning capabilities.
These global flight planning features are further enhanced by adding Jeppesen’s industry-leading charts to your ForeFlight account. Check out our other videos on purchasing Jeppesen charts through ForeFlight and linking an existing Jeppesen account to learn more.
Specify Approach Minimum
Specify an altitude minimum in Procedure Advisor when adding an IFR approach to your route to display the minimum directly on the map for quick reference during final approach.
The Minimum Altitude field is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Alternate Advisor
ForeFlight’s Alternate Advisor simplifies the process of choosing a good alternate airport by providing a list of suggestions to help you narrow your options. Alternate Advisor is available with all ForeFlight subscription plans.
Global Graphical NOTAMs
Previously limited to Europe, Graphical enroute NOTAMs are now supported globally with the new NOTAMs map layer. NOTAMs are color-coded based on type, severity, and active times, with new type-based filters available in Map Settings.
Visual Approaches and Traffic Pattern Altitude
Easily add a visual approach or traffic pattern entry to your route with a customizable pattern altitude.
Map Touch Action
Weather Layer Time Slider
ForeFlight’s radar and satellite layers now use an interactive time slider tool that provides more control when viewing and animating weather timestamps.
Icing, Turbulence, and Surface Analysis Layers
ForeFlight’s weather capabilities now include five new layers for icing, turbulence, and surface analysis forecasts, available on Pro Plus, Performance Plus, and Business Performance plans. The Icing and Turbulence layers each have a US and global option, and the Surface Analysis layer provides a global view of isobars and associated pressure readings, and a more detailed view of pressure centers, fronts, troughs, and other features for North America. All five of the new layers are also available on ForeFlight’s web application.
User Map Layers
Visit for additional information about this feature and to download sample KML files.
Import Custom User Charts
In addition to user waypoints and user map layers, ForeFlight now allows you to import User Charts that you can manage and display on the map.
The User Charts feature supports MBTiles, an open source file format developed by MapBox that allows for efficient compression and distribution of large charts. The feature does not yet support vector charts, which can also use the .mbtiles extension. A great tool for creating your own MBtiles is MapTiler, which is free to download and allows you to quickly georeference and export raster charts.
Introducing ForeFlight Performance
Fly fast? Plan faster with ForeFlight Performance, which includes powerful capabilities for high-performance flight planning.
Visit to learn more.
Performance Part 1 - Add New Aircraft & Performance Profiles
This is part one of our Performance video series, which walks through how to set up aircraft using ForeFlight’s new aircraft type database. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Takeoff & Landing Distances for Pistons
NOTE: Takeoff and Landing Performance for single-engine turboprops is now available with the Runway Analysis add-on product. Learn more and view supported models here.
Takeoff and Landing Distances for pistons is a powerful flight planning capability that provides safety-enhancing runway performance calculations returned in seconds. Seamlessly integrated into ForeFlight’s flight planning workflow, Takeoff and Landing Distances incorporates aircraft performance and weather data to calculate important flight metrics and ensure they’re within the aircraft’s and runway’s limits. Takeoff and Landing Distances for pistons is included at no additional charge in ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan.
Click here to learn more about Takeoff & Landing Performance.
To see if your aircraft is supported for Takeoff & Landing Performance check out our online Aircraft Library.
Takeoff & Landing Safety Distance Factor
ForeFlight’s Takeoff & Landing Performance feature allows you to specify a safety distance factor to produce more conservative runway performance calculations in response to runway conditions or other factors.
Takeoff & Landing Performance is included in ForeFlight Performance plans and supports many piston and single-engine turboprop aircraft types.
Read the FAA's Safety Alert for Operators concerning landing distance factors here.
Learn more about Takeoff & Landing Performance in ForeFlight here.
Set Up Aircraft Performance Profiles For Existing Aircraft
Detailed aircraft performance profiles are key to ForeFlight’s advanced flight planning capabilities and our highly-accurate flight time and fuel burn calculations. The first thing you should do after purchasing or upgrading to the Performance plan is set up your aircraft to use the built-in performance profiles. You only have to do it once, and it takes under one minute.
To see how you can set up a by-altitude performance profile if your aircraft type doesn't come with ForeFlight Performance Profiles, check out our Performance on the Web video.
Bias Climb & Descent Performance Profiles
Increase the accuracy of ForeFlight’s time and fuel flow calculations by adjusting your aircraft’s climb, cruise, and descent performance profiles based on observed performance. These performance profiles are available as part of ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Performance Part 2 - Flights View
This is part two of our Performance video series, which gives an overview of the new “Flights” view and walks through the first step of planning a new flight in the Flights view. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Organized Track Systems
Organized Track depictions in ForeFlight provide a valuable reference for pilots who utilize these track systems. Organized Tracks are available on mobile and the web with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
ForeFlight displays three different track systems: The North Atlantic Organized Track System, the Pacific Organized Track System, and the Australian Organized Track Structure. Individual tracks are color-coded based on direction: East-bound tracks are purple and West-bound tracks are green. Zoom in to the start of each track to see labels for the track’s name and direction. Each waypoint in the track is also labeled.
Learn more about ForeFlight's Performance plans here.
Performance Part 3 - Route and Altitude Advisors
This is part three of our Performance video series, which looks at the Route and Altitude Advisors and how they can help you find the best route and altitude for your flight. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Recommended Route Constraints
ForeFlight’s Route Advisor allows you to customize the Recommended Route using flexible route constraints, making it easy to tailor routes to your own needs. Use route constraints to set guidelines that the Recommended Route will follow when generating a new route, with options for including or avoiding certain waypoints, avoiding FIRs, and bounding the minimum and maximum altitudes for the flight. Route Constraints and the Recommended Route are available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Altitude Constraints in Route Advisor
ForeFlight's Route Advisor now allows Performance subscribers to manually adjust the altitude range considered when generating the Recommended Route, allowing for more customization and personalized route suggestions.
Performance Part 4 - Payload and Fuel Planning
This is part four of our Performance video series, which walks through the process of entering payload details for a flight and managing fuel usage, including selecting a fuel policy. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Refined Fuel Planning
The fuel planning section of the Flights view has a new layout that provides more flexibility in adjusting fuel policies to hit target values. Fuel and weight planning is available with ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Send FBO Fuel Orders
FBO Fuel Orders allow you to notify the destination FBO of your estimated arrival time and fuel order request using a simple form that is transmitted right from the Flights tab.
Fuel Orders are available for Performance Plus and Business Performance subscribers.
Runway Analysis
Ensure a safe takeoff and landing with ForeFlight Runway Analysis, an advanced runway and obstacle analysis capability for jet aircraft that’s seamlessly integrated with ForeFlight’s existing planning workflows. Built around AFM performance data and complete with engine-out procedures and a detailed Summary document, ForeFlight Runway Analysis provides a fast, easy, and thoroughly reliable solution for flight departments and owner-operators of jet aircraft everywhere.
Runway Analysis is available as a paid add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Find details on supported aircraft, pricing, and how to purchase here.
Integrated Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance in ForeFlight is now directly integrated with your flight planning so you can increase the accuracy of ForeFlight’s performance results and complete a critical preflight requirement all in one app. We've also simplified the setup of new and existing W&B profiles, tied them directly to your regular aircraft profiles, and added support for Basic Operating Weight.
Integrated Weight & Balance planning is included in ForeFlight Business Performance subscription plans.
Set Up W&B Profiles on ForeFlight Web
Learn how to set up and publish integrated Weight & Balance profiles for your entire flight department in ForeFlight Web.
Performance Part 6 - Navlog and Briefing
This is part six of our Performance video series, which walks through how to view and print the detailed Navlog for a flight, and request a weather briefing using ForeFlight Graphical Briefing. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
RAIM Prediction in Navlog
ForeFlight’s detailed Navlog now provides RAIM prediction for customers on Performance Plus and Business Performance plans. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring, or RAIM, provides a measure of GPS integrity along a planned route, and checking for possible RAIM outages is required before conducting any flight utilizing a non-WAAS GPS for navigation. RAIM prediction is supported for the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Performance Part 7 - Filing and Messages
This is part seven of our Performance video series, which walks through how to file a flight plan using the Flights view and review important flight alerts after filing. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Performance Part 8 - Planning on the Web
This is part eight of our Performance video series, which gives an overview of the Performance capabilities available on ForeFlight’s web application at, including how to set up by-altitude profiles. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
Aircraft Manager for Multi-Pilot Accounts
Multi-pilot account administrators can manage and distribute company aircraft profiles to all the pilots on an account, allowing for easier aircraft management and reduced setup time for large accounts.
Shared aircraft appear in the Aircraft list for all pilots on the account, along with a tag showing the email address of the administrator who published the aircraft. Pilots can view the details of shared aircraft and use them for flight planning, but all details of the aircraft are locked from editing by the pilots, including the performance profiles.
If the account administrator makes any changes to a shared aircraft, a “Publish Changes” button will appear in the bottom-right, allowing them to instantly distribute the changes to every pilot on the account. Clicking “Unpublish” will revoke access to the aircraft for all users other than the administrator, and they will no longer be able to see or use the aircraft for flight planning.
Mobile PDC & D-ATIS
ForeFlight, in partnership with Satcom Direct, offers mobile pre-departure clearance (PDC) and digital ATIS at over 70 major U.S. airports, simplifying your departure workflow so you can get in the air faster. You can set up the service for any of your aircraft at no extra charge with a Performance Plus or Business Performance subscription plan.
Learn more about PDC with ForeFlight here.
Learn more about Performance Flight Planning here.
Taxi Routing
Chart a course to or from the runway with an interactive and contextually-aware Taxi Route editor, available with ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Taxi Routing is the inaugural feature in ForeFlight Labs, a shifting collection of cutting-edge features that you can enable in More - Account. This section is only visible if one or more of the features in Labs are available for your subscription plan.
Profile Corridor
Bolster your preflight and inflight hazard awareness and get a fresh perspective on Profile View with Profile Corridor, available with ForeFlight’s Pro Plus subscription plan and above.
Forecast Weather in Profile View
ForeFlight’s Profile View includes selectable Icing and Turbulence forecast layers, providing a cross-section of weather in addition to terrain, obstacles, and airspace along your route. Weather layers in Profile View are included in ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Airspace in Profile View
Profile view in ForeFlight now depicts airspace along your route, providing you with valuable information for flight planning and inflight use beyond terrain and obstacle avoidance.
Profile View is available with Pro subscriptions and above.
Per Leg Altitudes in Profile
Plan enroute altitude changes around terrain, weather, or airspace and visualize them in Profile View, with the option to start or end a climb or descent at a specified waypoint. Profile View is included in Pro Plus subscription plans and above.
Route Line in Profile View
ForeFlight’s Profile View offers a side-on perspective showing your route line and inflight progress in relation to terrain, obstacles, and airspace, supplementing the top-down map view and improving your situational awareness. Profile view is included in ForeFlight Pro plans and above.
Airport 3D View
Airport 3D View is an interactive preview that combines terrain and aerial imagery to help you get familiar with new airports anywhere in the world. Whether you're preparing for a challenging approach or daydreaming about new places to fly, 3D View provides new and unique vantage points that prepare you for the real thing.
Airport 3D View is included in ForeFlight's top-tier subscription plan. Learn more and upgrade here.
3D Airport Traffic
Follow live approaches, landings, and takeoffs in 3D with FlightAware-sourced Internet Traffic in 3D Airports, available with Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Runway Lights in 3D Airports
Prepare for a night approach or establish a mental picture with toggleable Day/Night modes and realistic Runway Lights in Airport 3D, available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Obstacles in 3D View
Spot potential hazards along your route and establish a mental picture of final approach with the help of Obstacles in ForeFlight’s 3D View suite, included in ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Forecast Weather in 3D Preview
Enhance your preflight weather planning with interactive Icing and Turbulence forecast layers in 3D Preview, available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
3D Approach Preview
3D Preview in ForeFlight displays markers for each waypoint in your route, including labeled approach fixes, allowing you to better visualize every step of your approach all the way down to the runway. 3D Preview is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Enhanced 3D Review
3D Review is a flight planning and debriefing capability that allows you to review planned and recorded flights with immersive 3D terrain and aerial imagery, as well as switch between different camera modes for a fully interactive experience. Prepare for an upcoming flight by familiarizing yourself with landmarks and ground features along your planned route, and replay a past flight with pitch and bank data to evaluate your maneuvers. 3D Review is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Cloud Coverage Forecasts
Plan to steer clear of clouds at any altitude with the Clouds forecast weather layer, available as a map layer for Pro Plus subscription plans and above, and integrated in Profile View and 3D Preview for Performance Plus subscription plans.
Daily/Hourly Forecasts
Stay on top of weather today or next week with Daily and Hourly Forecasts - an all-purpose, 10-day, hour-by-hour forecast for any location on Earth.
You can access Daily Forecasts in several ways - from the Daily tab in the Airport Weather view, which provides a tappable summary of each day’s forecast; from the Add to Route popup after tap-holding anywhere on the map; from the Nearby Airports list in the top-right corner of the Airports view, which shows the forecast for your current location; and from ForeFlight’s Quick Actions list after tap-holding on the app icon, which provides an even faster shortcut to view your local forecast.
Dynamic Winds & Temperatures
Plan flights with global forecast wind speed, direction, and temperatures at multiple altitudes and times using two stunning animated weather layers. Both layers are available with ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Forecast Weather in Profile View
ForeFlight’s Profile View includes selectable Icing and Turbulence forecast layers, providing a cross-section of weather in addition to terrain, obstacles, and airspace along your route. Weather layers in Profile View are included in ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Weather Layer Time Slider
ForeFlight’s radar and satellite layers now use an interactive time slider tool that provides more control when viewing and animating weather timestamps.
Icing, Turbulence, and Surface Analysis Layers
ForeFlight’s weather capabilities now include five new layers for icing, turbulence, and surface analysis forecasts, available on Pro Plus, Performance Plus, and Business Performance plans. The Icing and Turbulence layers each have a US and global option, and the Surface Analysis layer provides a global view of isobars and associated pressure readings, and a more detailed view of pressure centers, fronts, troughs, and other features for North America. All five of the new layers are also available on ForeFlight’s web application.
New Weather Imagery
This video introduces the new weather collections in the ForeFlight Mobile Imagery view.
Using the Airports View
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "Airports" tab was redesigned, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
The Airports view is your all-in-one source for any kind of information about airports. From current and forecast weather to runways, procedures, and FBOs, the Airports view is one of the most important places in ForeFlight when it comes to flight planning.
Aviation Weather Tips Every Pilot Should Know
Color IR Satellite
SXAR1 Cloud & Echo Tops
SXAR1: SiriusXM Radio & Surface Wind Layer
Learn more about the integration with SiriusXM’s SXAR1 and find support resources at For personal assistance with your SiriusXM account, call 1-855-838-8563.
SiriusXM Weather in ForeFlight Mobile
Basics of Flight Plan Filing (August 2022)
Join the dynamic duo of Rob MacLeod and Tim Stahl from ForeFlight's FlightOps Team to learn the essentials of filing flight plans and have your questions answered. The two will walk through the entire filing process, from basic aircraft setup to route planning, filling out the flight plan form, and amending, canceling, opening, and closing flight plans. Although this webinar will focus on filing in the U.S., pilots from other countries will still find much of the material helpful to their own flying.
Improved Planning Features
OLD VIDEO: This video was made before the "More" tab was redesigned from a single page to a pull-out menu, but all of the capabilities you access from "More" are the same as they were before. Visit the ForeFlight Mobile Pilot's Guide.
ForeFlight now offers an enhanced flight planning workflow thanks to improvements to aircraft, the Maps view flight plan editor, and the File & Brief view, which is now called “Flights”.
This video is for ForeFlight customers with subscription plans other than Performance Plus, including the original plans and the Basic Plus and Pro Plus plans. If you have the Performance Plus plan, or want to see what is different with that plan, check out our Performance video series.
Flight Planning Enhancements
You can now preview all route options visually on an interactive map with Route Advisor. Simply tap through the list to highlight each route on the map, then tap “Select Route” to add it to your flight plan. An interactive Route Preview map in the Flights view provides a quick visual reference of your route, showing the departure and destination airports overlaid on a simple basemap with radar.
There are also enhancements to the flight planning workflow in the Flights view: the airport fields at the top have smart search functionality to help you find the right airports, and the Add Next Flight button makes it faster and easier to plan multi-leg flights by carrying forward departure, aircraft details, payload, fuel policy, and more. You can also export your flight plan in the official ICAO format and print, email, share via AirDrop, or save a copy in ForeFlight Documents.
Filing ICAO Flight Plans
This video walks you through filing a flight plan in ForeFlight using the ICAO flight plan format, including setting up the necessary fields in your aircraft profiles and using the ICAO flight plan form.
File with a Call Sign
Helpful Web Features
Aviation Weather Tips Every Pilot Should Know
Filing ICAO Flight Plans
This video walks you through filing a flight plan in ForeFlight using the ICAO flight plan format, including setting up the necessary fields in your aircraft profiles and using the ICAO flight plan form.
Performance Part 7 - Filing and Messages
This is part seven of our Performance video series, which walks through how to file a flight plan using the Flights view and review important flight alerts after filing. These features are available with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus plan, which you can purchase at
File with a Call Sign
ForeFlight Dispatch
Dispatch - an add-on to ForeFlight’s Mobile and Web application - sets a new standard in team flight planning that equally empowers pilots, flight planners, and ops managers in flight departments big and small to collaborate and plan flights with greater efficiency and precision.
Learn more about ForeFlight Dispatch here.
Advanced Flight Planning with ForeFlight Dispatch
Join ForeFlight Product Manager Caitlin Galloway and Technical Expert Josh Pava to learn how Dispatch, ForeFlight’s next-generation flight planning solution for Business Aviation, can boost the operational efficiency of flight departments large and small. Through two example flight plans of increasing complexity, Caitlin will demonstrate how Dispatch’s advanced capabilities allow for greater efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration between pilots, flight planners, and ops managers.
Maximize Your Savings with Fuel Advisor
Join ForeFlight Product Manager Caitlin Galloway and Director of Engineering Daniel Dahl to learn how Fuel Advisor, ForeFlight’s integrated tankering solution, can maximize your savings on every trip. Caitlin and Daniel will demonstrate how Fuel Advisor integrates with the next-generation flight planning capabilities of ForeFlight Dispatch, and identifies savings while taking aircraft performance, Runway Analysis, and Weight & Balance into consideration.
Custom Navlog Builder in Dispatch
Better support your pilots on every flight with a customized Navlog layout suited to your operation. The Custom Navlog Builder is available for all ForeFlight Dispatch customers.
Learn more about ForeFlight Dispatch here.

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